
Photo of BugXX1

BugXX1 by Ben Houston.

Release date: N/A

Price: $550 to $600

Waiting period: N/A

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Here is a new Bug work,  4 reconfigurable magneticly patchable knobs let you connect through the  hand etched patchbay. The Bug's controls let you  create and tune a field of glitch based noise and sonic splatter. This piece Features 4 magnetically patchable kobs that let you tune each connection, 2 strobing light patches for intermittent sound and juggeling, Power starve knob, global tune, Activate and Freeze "button/switches",Reset button,red lamp, and a 1/4 out

For more info on bugs and insects including videos sounds and more details:  http://folktek.com/instruments/Insectan/bugs-and-insects-overview