
Photo of Quiet

Quiet by Arius Blaze.

Release date: 01-30-2018


Note that the face of Quiet is available in Gold or Copper (see images). Copper will oxidize over time and after being touched, Gold will not. Let us know which you'd like when you check out (you should be able to add a note in paypal when making payment).

A simple but effective mute for audio or cv signals with a latching on/off. Each of the four parts has 3.5mm input and output jack with corresponding touch button and light. Allows for a more hands on experience when patching by allowing the player to turn a passing signal on and off. This is an extremely important addition to any eurorack system for anyone who wants greater control over the mix and wants to be able to simply add or subtract cv or audio signals on the fly.

touch pads, inputs/outputs

Four hexaganal touch-based buttons

- accepts any incoming cv, gate, trigger, audio source.

- light indicates signal is passing when lit, muted when dark.


to be updated asap

ma +12v

0 ma -12v

0 ma 5v

6HP width

25mm depth

view on modular grid: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/folktek-quiet