
Photo of Root

Root by Arius Blaze.

Release date: 08-01-2018


Note that the face of Root is available in Gold or Copper (see images). Aside from the color of the metal iteself, the biggest difference between copper and gold is that copper will oxidize (age) as you touch it and the gold will not. Let us know which you'd like when you check out (you should be able to add a note in paypal when making payment).

Root, like our other utility modules is deceptively simple. It will become integral to your patch instantly and you'll probably consider that it would be handy to have two of them. It takes a single audio or cv input, adds attenuation, and routes to any or all of four outputs. The clickless, zero-loss outputs are selectable with the touch pad and the light indicates where the root signal is going.

There are several distinct and incredibly useful reasons for this module. If you have a single audio source which you'd like to route to any of 4 effects or paths, or split a signal to 2 stereo effect inputs, your single audio source can easily be routed as you like at the push of a button rather than plugging and unplugging. Attenuation is good for this because you can essentially fade your root sound instead of suddenly dropping it prior to selecting a new routing. Or route cv/gate/trigger and turn your parts on and off to add/subtract control from your composition. Using in conjunction with quiet is highly recommended.

touch pads, inputs/outputs

touch pads, inputs/outputs

Four hexaganal touch-based buttons

- accepts any single incoming cv, gate, trigger, audio source.

- light indicates signal is passing to selected output when lit, muted when dark.



ma +12v

0 ma -12v

0 ma 5v

6HP width

25mm depth

view on modular grid: